Spokane County prosecutors take a tougher stance on DUI’s
Spokane County prosecutor Larry Haskell has announced his office will take a tougher stance on DUI sentences, even if it is the defendant’s first offense. The new policies Haskell implemented August 1, 2016 no longer allows for plea deals with reduced charges if the driver has had an offense in the last seven years. Additionally, first time offenders with a blood alcohol level (BAC) between 0.081 and 0.12 will only be offered a lower charge of reckless driving, a more serious offense than a charge of negligent driving which was previously an option. Defendants recording a BAC 0.121 or higher will not be offered a lower offense, regardless of how many previous arrests they may or may not have. Read more about Spokane County’s new DUI approach in this article by the Spokesman-Review.